Heart of Iowa Habitat for Humanity is once again providing a special opportunity to share some of our locally-owned nativity scenes and their unique stories as the Nativity Festival returns on Sunday, Dec. 13. This year’s event will again take place at the First United Methodist Church in Jefferson.
Owners of nativity sets are invited to display one or more of their favorites at the festival by calling Jill Lamoureux at 515-370-4785. Displays will be set up by their owners between 12:30 and 2 pm the day of the festival, with the public display opening at 2:30.
There is not a cost to display nativity sets and there is not an admission charge to attend the Nativity Festival. Freewill donations toward the local efforts of Habitat for Humanity will be accepted.
The Nativity Festival also features many accomplished musicians in a community Christmas concert, followed by a soup supper and auction of masterpiece-quality pies from the area’s most accomplished bakers. The concert begins at 4 pm in the sanctuary of First United Methodist Church, with the soup supper and auction following at 5:15 in the spacious fellowship hall.
Loaned nativity sets can be picked up immediately following the soup supper or on the following Monday.
A limited number of nativity sets are also being accepted by donation to be offered for sale through silent auction, with proceeds going to local Habitat for Humanity efforts. Those wishing to donate a nativity set are asked to contact Jill Lamoureux as well.
Several distinctive nativity sets using an array of construction materials and with fascinating stories of origin have already been committed to the festival display. Persons who have cherished and unique nativity sets to share with the community are asked to call to reserve space in the Nativity Festival benefitting Habitat for Humanity on Dec. 13.